

In this page you will find a couple of interests of mine including hiphop, and skateboarding.


4/2/2023 I have recently become interested in skateboarding after watching old skate movies like Kids, and Mid90s (i know its not that old). Though I currently do not know how to skate, I plan to learn this summer because I have an old skateboard in my garage. I am very interested in the 90s and early 2000s as you will see on this interests page, and by the fact I am using neocities to make a site. Old skater music is also very epic, and I have a lot of reccomendations, and if you have some reccomendations for me about skateboarding or hiphop, then email me at and I may answer.4/2/23 UPDATE!: I tried skateboarding today, and figured out basic movement, including moving forward, and steering, I tried to do a jump for a while, but it didn't really work out.


4/2/2023 I am a fan of all things hip hop, or at least rap released before 2008/2009. Modern rap is so bad, it physically repulses me, like, I have felt sick listening to my brothers horrible music on the car ride to school. I much prefer my 90s and 80s rap, some of my favorite rappers are Slick Rick, Special Ed, Eminem (old 90s+00s), 2pac, Eazy-E, N.W.A., and other similar artists. If you want to reccomend me some music, send me an email at

Fallout games

4/6/2023 My favorite game in the whole world is Fallout 3, my most hated game is Fallout:New Vegas. I like fallout 1, I never palyed fallout 2. That should explain my opinions on the fallout franchise to you.

Video games

4/6/2023 I love the Playstation 3 and all the games that came out for it... except assasins creed, that game sucks so much. I love those fps games that start you with like 1 smaller weapon and throughout the game and story you get new ones every chapter or so, lik Half-Life 2 and Resistance. I got this new game "Far Cry 2" and have been enjoying it for the most aprt, other than the fact that whenever you leave the town, you immeadiatly have like 9 guys trying to murder you from all directions. I am always looking at my local game stores for new games like this, but if you want to reccomend me something... you know what to do.

radoz iken

4/7/2023 ike jer gesh jajo jer yena +iitay ta'agra +ali gesh ahziss raba dat iso ahziss khapa zato ahziss krozij khajiit vara jai'do gerjo shabar elder scrolls zath ahziss va +oh seji bo khajiit vara ahziss jai kefaka gerjo shabar zhab jaadi vara zira dushith an ikasho.

Narcotics NOW!

7/10/2023 IT IS SUMMER!! I haven't really messed with this interests part sincethe last logs. So I got somethings to say! I started out the summer by pirating skyrim for my pc, I already bought it twice for my PS3, so its no big deal! I already paid for it! It was pretty good, and I got a lot of... mods for it. As always i played as a khajiit cause they are my favorite! Darktail was the chosen name, cause I always choose warrior cat names for my KJs. My PS3 was messed up recently though, the disc drive wouldnt read any new discs! I could play all my old ones but when I put in a new one i got from Game store, it wouldnt play. This really sucked cause I gto resistance 3 and it was the final one I had to play (I played it when I was a little kid but still!). It still doesn't work as I speak, and I got scammed by mexicans for 35$ from another one so that sucks as well.