Prepare your eyes.

Some people may call this bad art, one of them may be me, but its 3:49am so I'm feeling optimistic. I imagine I could do better if i had a drawing tablet or something, but for now I only have a notepad and pencil. Once, I drew some "risque" shit for one of my G's, but thats some shit between me and him, so email me for that @

this one I drew tonight (7/13/23 5:01am). It's based on some old comic i downloaded from ifunny back a couple months ago. The original comic was soem shitty joke about how trans people are stupid, but the joke was shit and boring. I think its one of my best so far. Since makng this, I deleted the tail, so bad art averted.

This is the New Yorker Polar Bear. I drew him for a webcomic I was gonna make a while back, but realized that making a webcomic is hard as hell. More respect to Kazerad for that man damn.

I made this based on a screenshot from prequel. More for practice than anything. It's pretty much a copy off reference, cause I don't trace, fuck that shit. I sent it to guy on discord, and he was so inspired he made a whole new piece of art with only a mouse, and never to sent it to me. Sucks cause i only have a shit quality screenshot of that now. Fucking prick.

Just made this one, while watching (reading chat of) Kazerads stream. Argonian character I made up. Don't have a name for it yet, so email me one. Email above. Looks a lot better in person.