Once upon a time, in a time far far away, I thought I was popular. I thought I could arrange a group of people that were "VIPs". I was inspired by Brucie from GTA4, with an annoying attitude to match. Or more specifically, a banner from his site. I found that image so got-damn funny I couldnt stop laughing whenever I saw it. I wanted to include this image and the idea of having a private entourage for my own site. I searched thru youtube for videos of people going in the GTA4 internet, but none showed brucies site for a screenshot. So I simply took a photo of my tv with my phone, it looks like shit but its there, in this page.
Wanna be a baller?
Of course, what is a VIP recruitment page without a VIP homepage? My VIPs had the most blinging page in the entire site!! I remind you that this page had no security, and was simply a page with a URL of "vip1337". Even if you had never email'd me in your life, you could get to this page. I tried making a password thing, but as far as I can tell, those don't actually work. Just like how the recruitment page was inspired by Brucies page from GTA 4, this was inspired by VIP Luxury Ringtones from GTA 4. Yes I do consider myself to be a fan of GTA 4. The diamond bars that seperate the text is even from that site.
Ballers ONLY!!